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Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Predictive maintenance techniques

(a) Vibration monitoring: This is undoubtedly the most effective technique to detect mechanical defects in rotating machinery.
(b) Acoustic emission: This can be used to detect, locate and continuously monitor cracks in structures and pipelines.
(c) Oil analysis: Here, lubrication oil is analyzed and the occurrence of certain microscopic particles in it can be connected to the condition of bearings and gears.
(d) Particle analysis: Worn machinery components, whether in reciprocating machinery, gearboxes or hydraulic systems, release debris. Collection and analysis of this debris provides vital information on the deterioration of these components.
(e) Corrosion monitoring: Ultrasonic thickness measurements are conducted on pipelines, offshore structures and process equipment to keep track of the occurrence of corrosive wear.
(f) Thermography: Thermography is used to analyze active electrical and mechanical equipment. The method can detect thermal or mechanical defects in generators, overhead lines, boilers, misaligned couplings and many other defects. It can also detect cell damage in carbon fiber structures on aircrafts.
(g) Performance monitoring: This is a very effective technique to determine the operational problems in equipment. The efficiency of machines provides a good insight on their internal conditions.

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